Bedroom wall art ideas: 7 ways to style the blank space above your bed

Whatever your personality or style taste, most people will agree that a bedroom should be a safe space of calm and tranquility.

After a 40-hour work week, family responsibilities, and worries about the cost of living, everyone deserves a peaceful sleep experience.

And the way you decide to decorate the space above your bed could help offer the soothing bedtime atmosphere you crave.

Above-bed decor is key to injecting zen into your abode, and the great thing is, you don’t have to completely overhaul your space to get the desired effect.

Just an additional design touch here and there could be the difference between restlessness and sweet dreams.

Browse's bedroom wall art

But how do you achieve all this without spending your precious time trawling through hundreds of Pinterest pages before realising that you’d have to break the bank to create your ideal space?

To give you a little inspiration, has put together a list of seven beautiful bedroom wall art ideas that will transform your space into somewhere you’ll never want to leave.

1. Choose calming, restful pieces

The master bedroom should be a sanctuary, so give it the respect it deserves by choosing calming wall decor to aid a good night’s sleep.

And what better over-the-bed wall art than clouds floating in the sky to help connect you to nature?

Colours like sage greens, and beiges, quite literally set the tone for restful slumber.

Check out our best-selling Aureous original Above the Clouds trio in beige as an example of pure bedroom bliss.

2. Macrame wall hanging

Bedroom wall art ideas don't exclusively have to involve paintings or prints. This chic Macramé wall hanging is a stylish way to add texture to your sleep space.

Macramé is a form of textile produced using knotting techniques, and as you can see by this stunning example by @knotsayin, the result is elegant, tasteful, and sophisticated. 

3. Hang a gallery wall

The great thing about bedroom wall art is that it doesn’t have to be one specific colour, style, or theme.

You can create a feature or gallery wall to showcase a little bit of everything that makes you feel good.

Add a bit of asymmetry, mixing vintage pieces with more modern designs to take your bedroom from zero to trendy in no time.

4. Paint a wall mural

For those of you who like to flex your creative skills now and then, why not take your talents to the next level by painting a mural on your bedroom wall?

We love this over-the-bed wall art because not only are the colour and placement perfect, but the design also doubles up as a DIY headboard.

5. Hang a large landscape painting

Hanging art above the bed is probably the most simple and effective way to give your bedroom wall a facelift.

Long landscape prints such as this allow you to not only add style to your space but also tell a story with your artwork.

Perhaps there’s a poignant or special scene that will aid you in your quest for a blissful nightly snooze.

6. 3D bedroom wall art

If you’re a lover of nature and want to feel close to it as you catch your shut-eye, why not create three-dimensional bedroom wall art with plants?

This is a delightful example of using a small space well - the over-the-bed wall decor is not only good to look at, but it is also functional.

Craft a plant wall by placing your favourite leafy friends on a shelf, or shelves, depending on the size of the wall.

Use symmetry and neutral colours against bold tones to really make it pop.

7 Make it playful

You can afford to be a little more daring in your own private boudoir, so why not show off your cheeky side?

This You Me Oui print from is a delightful way to decorate your sleep space, especially for those who want to opt for a modern, minimalist feel in their bedroom decor.

Browse's bedroom wall art